Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square
Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square

  1. #Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square Bluetooth
  2. #Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square windows

  • Control- Shift- D: Firefox Developer Edition.
  • mac keyboard shortcuts medium square

  • Control- Option- Shift- D: Downloads folder in Finder.
  • Control- Shift- U: launch/switch to Apple Music.
  • I generally assign Control- Shift- $KEY to these. It’s generally more efficient than using a trackpad or mouse, Spotlight, LaunchBar or Command- Tabing. Third-party keyboard customiser that I use to open and switch between commonly used apps with a single keystroke. Particularly useful in apps like Adobe Illustrator, where there are tons of menu options. Use Shift- Command- Forward slash to search menu items. Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 video tag.
  • Shift- Command- Forward slash in all apps: ‘Show Help menu’ (to search menu items):.
  • Command- Option- I in Preview: Adjust Size… from the Tools menu.
  • #Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square windows

  • Control- Option- Command- M in Finder: run Window > Merge All Windows.
  • You can assign application keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts: Set application shortcuts in System Preferences. One I find useful is ‘Copy as Pathname’ in the Finder Edit menu: Press the Option key to reveal additional functionality, such as ‘Copy as Pathname’ in the Finder Edit menu.

    #Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square Bluetooth

    Some examples: the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth menubar icons the ‘Plus’ button when building a Finder search (allowing you to enhance the search logic) and application dropdown menus in the menu bar. Holding the Option key while clicking or hovering over a UI element can reveal additional functionality or information. You can also search the Character Viewer ( Control- Command- Space bar) by name, for ‘en dash’ etc. Keyboard shortcuts for various special characters. Option- Shift- Open square bracket: closing single curly quote (”).Option- Open square bracket: opening double curly quote (“).Option- Shift- Close square bracket: closing single curly quote (’).Option- Close square bracket: opening single curly quote (‘).

    mac keyboard shortcuts medium square

    Control- Command- Space bar: open Character Viewer (emoji and symbols picker).Hold $KEY in text fields to get pop-up menu of given character with diacritic markings.(See also Rectangle Pro.) Special characters Hold Option- Shift while resizing window: change window dimensions around the window’s current centre point while maintaining aspect ratio.Hold Option while resizing window: change window dimension(s) 2 around the window’s current centre point.Command- Option- H: hide all windows expect those belonging to the active application’s 1:1.Command- H: hide active application’s windows 1.Command- Backtick: cycle current application’s windows.Useful shortcuts already defined by the system. This post is a collection of keyboard shortcuts and modifiers that help my day-to-day productivity. I use macOS to build websites and compose music.

    Mac keyboard shortcuts medium square